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Welcome to Exploring-Peshawar page.In this webpage you are able too find new trends and places located in the limits of Peshawar city.
You will be companied by many places near your loaction and u will be able too contact and mail anyone anywhere in Peshawar.
Extractiing Peshawar is done in this blog.
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Regards,Abdul Rehman.
Exploring-Peshawar, Pakistan.
Peshawar a city of Joy & happiness.It's a city where people have bravery,hospitality.Everyone seek towards Hard Working.
Pehsawar is a Historical and very old City.
Peshawar, is the capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. It is the largest city of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and according to the 1998 census was the ninth-largest city of Pakistan
KPK Culture
As green tea known as KEWA is very famous in peshawar.Almost on every occasion it is presented in every get together and occasions.In the above picture an OLD person(Senior Citizen) is selling kewa in chenak.
Green Tea(KEWA)
Baarha bus which is also known as Kabhari bus is a colourful indentity of Peshawar and it's culture.When it runs on the road no one can compete with it's running Strategy.
Baarha Bus
Chitraali toppi
Chitali toppi is very famous among northern areas of pakistan. Chaadar and chitraali toppi brings a beautiful combination of a Personality.
Chief burger
Shiraz ronak
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